Business Credit

A company's lifeblood is access to cash and credit. A corporation can utilize business credit to borrow money to buy items or services. It is predicated on the expectation of payment in the future. What are the benefits of establishing business credit? A separate legal entity, such as a corporation or limited liability company, gives business owners the unique opportunity to establish a credit identity with business credit reporting agencies, often known as a business credit profile. A business credit profile is crucial because credit grantors use it to decide whether or not to offer credit to a company.

Many small enterprises use business credit to finance the purchase of new machinery, inventory, and expansion. Short-term loans can even cover ongoing expenses like payroll. Most lenders want reassurance that they'll be reimbursed on time, and one way they do that is by looking at the company's credit scores and ratings with the major credit reporting agencies. These indications can assist banks in deciding whether or not to lend money and at what rates. In addition, many businesses’ business credit files are evaluated when they bid on contracts or shop their services to potential business partners. Companies want to make sure they are working with associate businesses that can deliver products on time or complete projects as promised – and have a low risk of going out of business​

There are several ways companies can benefit from strong business credit scores and ratings, including: More favorable lending terms from banks Higher trade credit limits from suppliers or vendors Lower insurance premiums Better lease terms for real estate and machinery​

Coaching & Subscription Options

Having a coach will help you complete each step  of the Business Success System

Step 1 – Lender Compliance is free and vital for your business to complete.

                     Continue to your dashboard with a free subscription for Step 1 Lender Compliance only.

             Step 2 through 6 put your business on the Success Path and require a subscription.


$697 / Year


$2497 / Year

Our VIP business success coaching process goes as follows:
First 3 Weeks – Typically we schedule two coaching appointments a week for the first three weeks.

First 3 Months – Then one appointment a week for the remainder of the first 3 month period where we will be building business credit through the selection of Net 30 and revolving vendor credit lines that both are useful to the business and will build business credit. For this we will need at least three reporting cycles. During this time we will also be seeking to optimize, correct and time age the personal credit reports and scores of the business owners.

Months 4 through 12 – Success coaching will focus on making sure that all credit accounts are used on a monthly basis, that all accounts are paid on an at least ten day early basis, that a low five business bank account rating has been developed and is maintained, and that proper accounting and other business records are maintained to be ready for immediate lender submission at any given time. It is during this time period that larger funding amounts can be pre-qualified for and applications made.

Critical First 90 Days – In the success coaching process it is critical that the first 90 days or three month window be used to get everything ready to apply for business funding so that the maximum amounts with the best rates and terms can be obtained. Applying before then will often lead to declines or obtaining far lesser amounts on less favorable terms. Making sure that lender compliance items have all been completed and that both the owners and the business credit reports are correct as to the items on them and what those items reflect is critical. Then having a minimum of three reporting cycles for the business credit process so that there has been enough time for the business scoring to take place. And lastly to make sure that a business bank rating of a low five has been obtained which in itself is a three monthly bank statement cycle process. All this along with making sure that the required business documentation is in order and ready to present to lenders.

The Success Audits – As part of the business success coaching process we are going to complete the below audit that defines all the stages and items we will be completing, optimizing, and building. This initial audit shows us where we are for these items at the starting point and by the end of the first 90 days we should be at a point where all these items have been completed and we are then into the continue to build, maintain, and fund the business part of the success coaching.

Be Patient & Let The Process Work – It takes a minimum of 90 days to start the business credit building process, to obtain a low five bank rating, to age out existing credit inquiries, to start to optimize the owners personal credit, and to complete the online optimization process. Trying to short cut any of these items will result in credit declines or at a minimum being approved for far lesser amounts and much worse rates and terms. Be patient and go with the proven process.

Suggested Coaching Touch Points – To help your client to make progress it is best to have pre-scheduled touch-point appointments. A standard way of doing that is:
* Two appointments a week for the first 3 weeks with 3 or 4 pre-planned tasks for the client to complete.
* On the first appointment have the coaching audit completed with a checklist of items for the client to supply.
* The first 3 weeks is focused on lender compliance, current credit reporting, and credit provider selections.
* One appointment a week for week 4 thru 12 focusing on credit provider usage, payments, and bank rating.
* One appointment a month for months 4 thru 12 stressing early payments and updating the coaching audit.
* At the end of month 3 client should have 12 to 15 tradelines, a low 5 bank rating, and lender compliance completed.
* Months 4 thru 12 are focused on creating 80+ business credit scores, funding programs, and comparable credit.

What Are The Different Kinds of Business Funding? | Business Funding Now

To secure true business only bank and cash credit card financing your business must have and maintain:

  1. At least 10 reporting business credit trade-lines.
  2. Business credit scores of 70 or above with all three agencies.
  3. All twenty (20) items of Lender Compliance completed.
  4. A minimum business Bank Account Rating of a “Low 5”.
  5. Established comparable credit to the amount requested.
  6. A business entity type LLC or Inc, not sole prop or partner.
  7. A verifiable business presence; local , national and 411.

There are 20 items of Lender Compliance that will get your business viewed as a high risk of default if not completed. Some of those are:

  1. Not having a business entity either LLC or INC.
  2. Operating from a non-business location (Home or PO Box)
  3. Operating solely from a listed cell phone number.
  4. Operating from a free email account, @gmail, yahoo, etc.
  5. Not having a business website and local directory listings.
  6. Not having open business credit reporting files with all 3 agencies.
  7. And 14 more items that are easily and often overlooked.
4 Steps to Evaluating Your Business' Yearly Finances | Business Funding Now
Fixing Credit Challenges in a Challenging Business Economy | Business Funding Now

Your business needs to have 70 or higher scores with all three major business credit reporting agencies. To do that you need to make sure that your business:

1. Is listed correctly with all 3 major agencies.

2. Has at least 10 credit reporting trade-lines.

3. Has at least 3 credit reporting revolving accounts.

4. Has at least 2 credit reporting installment accounts.

5. Pays all its credit accounts at least 10 days before due.

6. Verifies that all creditors are reporting on legal name.

7. Has all 20 items of lender compliance completed.

Having ongoing access to business financing is all about attention to detail and maintaining in good order all the things business lenders will look at for approval. Some of those key elements are:

1. Having all 20 items of lender compliance completed at all times.

2. Maintaining business credit scores with all 3 agencies at 70 or above.

3. Keeping your business entity and EIN tax status in good standing.

4. Maintaining your business presence with website, local listings, and 411.

5. Obtaining and maintaining a minimum of 10 reporting credit trade-lines.

6. Having the owner’s personal credit scores stay above 70 FICO 8.

7. Keeping your business bank rating all times at a low 5 or higher.

Obtaining Cash Type Business Credit Cards

When seeking cash type business credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex) it is important to realize that these will be personally guaranteed by the business owners and as such based mainly on the business owner’s personal credit. The general approval guidelines for business credit cards are:

1. FICO credit scores generally
in the 70 and up range.

2. Having at least one aged
revolving account of $5,000 or more.

3. Having revolving balance to
limit of no more than 45% per account.

4. Having a stated income of at
least $50,000/yr ($150,000+/yr optimal).

5. Having a current debt to
income ratio of no more than 40%.

6. Having no more than 3 recent
credit inquiries in last 90 days.

7. Having no open late,
collections, judgments, or public records.

Paying Any Business Bills With Credit Cards

As a business owner did you know that you can pay any bill with your business credit cards just like you would using cash? That means you can pay contractors, payroll, rent, utilities, vendors, inventory, etc. with the business credit cards that we will help you obtain.

As a business success system member not only will we help you obtain financing and business credit cards but we will also provide you with services that will let you use your business credit cards to pay any of your business bills. It Is Almost Never Just One Loan

Business Credit

As a business owner it is natural to say “I need $200,000 in financing”, when in reality finding a single lender who will lend $200,000 is extremely difficult, makes your chances of qualifying much smaller, and places much more risk on that single lender. The better question is “what do you need the money for” which then allows for the method of funding to be broken down into segments.

For example;

  1. $50,000 in a credit union term loan that is easy to qualify for.
  2. $50,000 spread over 5 or 6 credit cards that are easy to qualify for.
  3. $50,000 in equipment financing that is also easy to qualify for,
  4. And $50,000 in vendor financing for needed products & services.

In this example the end result is the same $200,000 that you wanted and in a form that is much easier to qualify for with a very high probability of approval. For the lenders their risks are much smaller and therefore their approval guidelines are much lower, and their terms more liberal.

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